Bible Classes
Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Bible Classes begin at 9:00am
Click here to view our Bible Class brochure.

Good News & God is__________.
Young Adults (Whatever “young” means to you)
Location: Classroom 8
Led by: Travis & Kari Sears and Todd & Kristi Truitt
Young Adults (Whatever “young” means to you)
Location: Classroom 8
Led by: Travis & Kari Sears and Todd & Kristi Truitt
Jan. 5 – Feb. 13, Good News: Encouragement for a World in Crisis, lead by Todd and Kristi Truitt
Feb. 23 – Apr. 6, God is __________, lead by Travis and Kari Sears
Feb. 23 – Apr. 6, God is __________, lead by Travis and Kari Sears
“Life’s Lessons from the Savior: A study on the Teachings of Jesus and What They Mean to Christians Today.”
Location: Classroom 9 & Livestreamed
Led by: John Haas
The lessons Jesus taught during the Sermon on the Mount extend far beyond the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12. The lessons offer profound teachings on righteousness, relationships, prayer, and how to live in alignment with the values of God’s Kingdom. Please join me as we do a survey of Old and New Testament scriptures regarding the meaning of Matthew 5:21-7:27.

Location: Classroom 10
Facilitated by Calley Lewis and Mercedes Hayes
Led by: Jennifer Lemons, Martin Kirby, Meagan Hawley, Kari & Travis Sears, Rachel James, Annie & Jared Johnson The challenges faced by our youth have intensified and parenting must evolve.
Christian parents are called to provide not just love and support but also guidance
that helps children understand their value as God’s creation, which will help establish a genuine relationship with Jesus. By equipping our children with God’s love, we can better prepare them to face the challenges of a world that often feels overwhelming. The goal is to guide our children toward a deeper
understanding of their identity in Christ. This will lead them to see themselves as valued and loved, regardless of social pressures or online influences. This class will be conducted by a diverse group of teachers, each with unique expertise, to provide valuable resources for parents and families.
Wednesday Morning Ladies Class

Wednesday Morning Ladies Class Begins at 10:00am Location:Classroom10 & Fellowship Hall Led by: Kathy Jones
This class uses Right Now Media led Bible studies to dig deeper into God’s word.
Wednesday Night

Location: Fellowship Hall
Led by: Blanca Ward
We have a Women’s Bible Class, “Fixed and Focused on God’s Word”, that meets on every other Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm, in our fellowship hall.

Fellowship Hall
Led by: Michael Jones
Our next Wednesday Night Lites are March 26, April 9. and April 23. We meet at 6:30pm, for a meal, devotional and 2 service project opportunities.

Celebrate Recovery – Open Share
Common Grounds and Classrooms 8 & 9
Led by: John Langley
Looking for tools to cope with today’s challenges with circumstances of life? If you’ve been hurt by someone, if you have habits that hold you back from being successful, or if you have a hang-up of some sort join us!