Zimbabwe Orphans Program (ZOP)

Generous people like you have helped the Zimbabwe Orphans Program (ZOP) aid thousands of vulnerable children in and around eight schools in underserved areas of the country since 2005. Our Orphan Ministers oversee the children’s welfare with foster home visits and interaction with schools. ZOP pays the children’s school fees, clothes them with required uniforms, and buys their books & supplies with the goal of giving them a real chance to succeed. The Ministers also provide spiritual training and help show the children and their community that Jesus loves them.

ZOP has also provided wells that provide clean water to orphans and those around them. Clean water dramatically reduces disease and gives us a chance to talk about Living Water. (Healing Hands International has helped provide these wells.)

For some areas, ZOP has provided food such as maize, beans, lentils, protein mixes & cookies, Mahewu and dehydrated vegetable mixes from Breedlove Foods. Children infected with such notorious diseases as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS receive medical care and anti retro drugs at the Nhowe Mission Hospital or a clinic near their homes. 

To meet the children’s spiritual needs, Orphan Ministers teach the Word in schools and foster homes, using World Bible School and other materials. 

Every cent of every dollar donated to ZOP goes to support vulnerable children. ZOP’s overhead costs since the beginning have been paid by volunteers. Thus as more money comes in, more children are helped. Unfortunately, the need grows.  In addition to the 600+ orphans we are currently supporting, with your help we are looking to expand our support to an additional 250 orphans.  Will you join the 200+ donors who currently support this work? Will you be part of this life-saving, soul-saving work and bless needy children with your support? 
To make a tax deductible donation, please click on the DONATE tab at the top of this page or mail checks to:
Zimbabwe Orphans Program (ZOP)
East Point Church Of Christ
747 N. 127th St. East
Wichita, KS 67206
If you would like more information on the Zimbabwe Orphans Program (ZOP) please send your request to zop@epcofc.org.  For a downloadable brochure, click here.